Sep 7Liked by Pyramids and Pagodas

Georgia capital Group is an interesting Georgian focused serial acquirer. I think they also allow you to own Bank of Georgia at a discount

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Sep 2Liked by Pyramids and Pagodas

Interesting. I just went to Georgia and just wrote an account on my personal newsletter China Translated. I can confirm many of the points you have observed here.

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I will check out your Substack and I included a link to the post above in last week's link collection post: Emerging Market Links + The Week Ahead (September 3, 2024) https://emergingmarketskeptic.substack.com/p/emerging-markets-week-september-3-2024

These western NGOS are all CIA/MI6/State Dept/EU etc fronts intended to destabilize countries, engage in color revolutions that are increasingly NOT working (as countries have gotten smarter albeit not Bangladesh as one just succeeded there), surreptitiously support LGBTQ ideology (e.g. here in Malaysia + Indonesia, Africa etc) etc... PERIOD...The Duran / TheDuran on Rumble and other alt media has good coverage of this sort of activity

With that said, Georgia is an interesting country to potentially invest in and visit BUT another pressure point will be the, I think a total of 3 Georgia stocks that have listings in London (2 banks and the investment holding company) e.g. the funds can be quietly told to dump or short them to further pressure Georgia into doing what the West wants rather than the smart thing which is to stay neutral and try to trade with everyone... I know some funds have trimmed their holdings there or mentioned these stocks as underperforming recently...

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